Auto Repair in Rockford IL
For auto repairs in Rockford, IL drivers have depended on F&F Tire World since 1970. We proudly display their reviews because what they say means more than anything we might. We offer online written quotes even before you schedule the work with us. Some use them as a second opinion. You can also schedule your appointment online. Check out our coupons and rebates to help save money! We take all major credit cards and have special financing for larger projects.
We serve Illinois and Wisconsin with 11 locations offering quality repairs and maintenance at reasonable prices. We are a locally owned and operated family business. We offer a full line of auto repairs for domestic and foreign cars and trucks, including brakes, alignments, shocks & struts, oil changes, mufflers, cv joints, ac systems, batteries to name just a few.
But the best part is to meet our staff. Friendly and professional they will ensure that it is not just priced right but done right and done right on time! Our ASE certified technicians provide expert service that is hard to beat. They receive regular training to stay up-to-date, so they are ready for the latest changes. If you're an experienced auto mechanic we're looking for you.
We invest in the latest dependable equipment to assist our technicians and save you time and money. We open early and stay late as well on Saturday. We are always looking for the best mechanics to service your car. Please let us know of any that may be looking!!!
We recommend regular maintenance including brakes, wheel alignment, shocks or strut wear, tires including pressure and wear patterns all that effects the control and economy of your vehicle. Many drivers have these performed as part of their oil change and routine maintenance.
We also offer maintenance services for farms and fleets in the area to provide the level you expect and more! Just give us a call for more information and fast appointments.
While F&F Tire World & Auto Service specialize in tires for cars and light trucks we provide a full range of maintenance and auto repair including alignments, alternator repairs, brake repairs, cv joints, mufflers, and oil changes to name a few. Just give us a call or schedule an appointment.